Demetrios Athens


Dear darling tartaruga!


Check the pattern in a tartaruga accessory… Looks familiar? Try again… How about now? Well, if you pay some attention and let your imagination run wild, you’ll probably identify the design that we all come across when looking at a turtle and how could it be any different since “tartaruga” in Italian is tortoise!

Synonymous to the notion of retro for several decades, the tartaruga print made a dynamic comeback as an all-time classic fashion statement in couture, accessories, and jewelry. We most often come across its classic version, brown-black, but a more vibrant set of color combos have also made their way into revamping this oldy, yet always goody.

Note: Tartaruga used to come from the shell of a specific kind of sea turtles, a species that has been characterized as endangered due to its heavy exploitation for commercial purposes. We choose its faux yet gorgeous edition, supporting the international cruelty free movement for fashion. by Demetrios Sorlonis

του Δημήτριου Σορλώνη